Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 1: I start a blog

Morning started like most of them do, I got up and wanted to go back down again.

Lately I've been suffering the same illness that 5.8% of the population suffer from and that number seems to rise by the day... I have unemployment. This isn’t a condition I wanted or looked for, I took all the needed precautions and made sure I did everything I could to fight it off but it hit me anyway and it hasn’t let go.

To date I’ve been unemployed for about three years, I didn’t choose it and I didn’t want it. Every week I fill out application forms, cover letters, copy resumes, ask for work, go to meetings and even take classes just to get a job. I’m not unemployed cos I’m lazy, I’m unemployed cos I’m an unlucky son-of-a-bitch... no offense mom.

It’s not to say I’ve been completely unlucky, since my last proper job there’s been about four job interviews and three small jobs that lasted under three days in total.

~ One I was on a trial basis, 3 days to make sales of a product I’d never heard about at a price that even I thought was unreasonable to people who were preparing for work or in one case a funeral... oh and I was never told how many items I had to sell in order to keep the job.

~ One was work experience at a book store, I wish it had amounted to an actual job but hell at least I tried.

~ One was for one day and even that felt like it was too long. I can’t mention the company name due to a contract I signed but I will say that at no point during the job interview was I told the job would consist of 12 hours straight walking up and down hills selling pointless crap door to door. Now I know walking is a good thing, but not for a guy who’s about 30kg overweight and especially not at that level. Oh and did I neglect to add on the part about it being a commission based job?

If I could have a job I could do that would be lovely but then again I am the man McDonald’s rejected. That’s right, out of all the teenagers in all the world that apply for a job at McDonald’s every single year I’m one of the few that’s too inexperienced for them.

Something is messed up there, that a normal guy with a good brain and the ability to learn important skills fast is unable to hold down a job. Meanwhile there are people who make money selling air guitars on eBay. People can enter contests to see who can eat the most hot dogs and get on TV. A woman sold a sandwich with the picture of the Virgin Mary grilled onto it for $28000 and goes around touring with the edible deity... and I can’t get a job flipping burgers for $7.22 an hour.

If only there was a job tailor made for me, one that was intended to be my life’s work... well OK there is but I have no idea who to contact to be Jenna Jameson’s G-string.


“In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success in it.” ~ John Ruskin

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